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The links below are to lessons on who Anglicans are and how we live out our Christian faith.

Love like Jesus

Below are the Powerpoint presentations from Fr. Shawn’s “Love like Jesus” Sunday adult education study.

Lesson #1 Who is Jesus

Lesson #2 Pray like Jesus

Lesson #3 The Kingdom of God is at hand

Lesson#4 Living and loving like Jesus

Who we are as Anglicans

If you have ever wondered what it means to be an Anglican, you can get some answers by watching the Powerpoint presentations from Fr. Shawn’s recent classes. Just click the links below.

Lesson #1  I am an Anglican? What exactly does that mean?

Lesson #2 What did Elizabeth settle, any way?

Lesson #3 What does an Anglican look like today?

Why we do what we do

The links below are to notes on Fr. Shawn’s teaching on the liturgy.

Lesson #1:  Worship and Liturgy…What are they?

Lesson #2: The Liturgy of the Word

Lesson #3: The Liturgy of the Sacrament

A sample liturgy to follow along.